Thursday, September 2, 2010

Week 7 - Final Poster

Final Poster Text & Colour Scheme

This creature may look familiar to you, but look up close and you will find that he’s not what you expected. Controllie yes, resembles a Playstation controller, but in no way could you control him. This creature is 9x the size of a Playstation controller, and when annoyed or challenged becomes quite vicious. His two mouths house 22 long, sharp teeth which can penetrate through flesh like a hot knife through butter. But with that being said, he is a wonderfully natured creature, looking out for his family and friends. He bonds with humans quite well, the equivalent to a dog or cat, and is very loyal.

The native landscape has many recognisable natural landforms as well as flora. Rocks come in the forms o
f flat screen TVs and Playstation consoles while natural ‘X,O, ,’ sculptures scatter the land. The trees look similar to AV cables which supply the creatures with energy and nutrients. The weather is always perfect with beautiful sunsets and breathtaking sunrises.

These cre
atures take refuge in the natural landforms where they sleep and look after their families. They find a vacant landform, then drag or shuffle rocks to block off one of the open faces, creating a cave like dwelling. This provides warmth and comfort and shelter from weather conditions and other animals. These dwellings vary in size and shape depending on the individual creatures like, dislikes and family requirements.

Final Environment

These are my final environment renderings for my chosen creature. They were done using Crysis Wars.

The final plan views of my chosen creatures dwelling.